Spa for rhinogenous deafness

Spa for rhinogenous deafness

Hearing disorders and ear diseases are increasingly common: 7 million Italians and 430 million people worldwide suffer from them. Among these issues, rhinogenic deafness, common in children and the elderly, can be effectively treated with spa treatments. Find out how.


Hearing disorders and ear diseases are increasingly common: 7 million Italians suffer from them, 430 million worldwide.
According to WHO predictions, one in four individuals will be affected by 2050.
The causes are diverse, genetic, due to age or noisy working conditions.
These include rhinogenic deafness, which is very common in children and in old age.
In both cases it can be treated effectively with spa treatment.
Intervening early to minimize “disability” and pain is important to avoid global deterioration and to improve quality of life.
We discuss this with Dr. Andrea Borrini, otolaryngologist at Monticelli Spa.

Rhinogenic deafness: what it is, causes, symptoms and diagnosis

In medicine it is called hearing loss, which is the lowering, or even loss, of hearing.
In the case of rhinogenic deafness it happens when aninflammation in the first airway, (nose and throat) affects the middle ear.
In rhinogenic deafness, hearing loss develops as a result of asecretory otitis media, also called catarrhal otitis.

Symptoms of rhinogenic deafness include partial hearing loss accompanied by constant buzzing.
Along with themuffling comes the perception of sharp, stinging sounds when yawning, chewing, and swallowing.
The ear seems obstructed and sometimes whistling and buzzing may appear.

Causes. Child and adult rhinogenic deafness.

In children, it usually develops due to enlarged adenoids or respiratory allergies that lead to abundant mucus production that hinders the normal passage of nasal secretions.
In adults, however, the most common causes are upper airway inflammation such as otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, and pharyngitis.
Anatomical abnormalities such as deviation of the nasal septum can also trigger the onset of rhinogenic deafness.

The diagnosis of rhinogenic deafness.

To check for rhinogenic deafness, the ENT specialist, after gathering information about the patient’s health condition and symptoms, performs simple tests such asaudiometry andimpedance testing.

Rhinogenic deafness: can it be cured?

Rhinogenic hearing loss is not a chronic disorder, but a transient one. It can be cured as long as timely action is taken.
In most cases, with spa therapies, hearing ability is restored to its normal values or at least significant improvements are achieved.

How to treat it. Spas for rhinogenic deafness and other treatments.

The most suitable therapies depend on the cause of the hearing loss.
Themost common and importanttreatment option is thermal therapy.
In a natural way, it allows the middle ear to be cleared of fluid accumulation, facilitating drainage of secretions.

Pharmacological treatment, on the other hand, involves the use of antibiotics in the presence of bacterial upper airway infection.
In more severe cases of rhinogenic deafness, surgery may be necessary to remove any physical obstruction preventing the passage of air through the Eustachian tube.

Rhinogenic deafness and spas

The sulfurous and bromine and iodine-salt waters of the Monticelli spa act on the mucous membranes of the upper airways by thinning mucus.
Theaction is anti-inflammatory and decongestant and.
Due to its special chemical composition rich in sulfur and other elements such as bromine, iodine, and magnesium, thethermal water cleanses and stimulates the immune system and boosts upper airway defenses.

Rhinogenic deafness cycle of care

The spa treatment protocol involves a 10- to 12-day treatment with one or two inhalation treatments, usually inhalation and aerosol thermal.
They are
used as preparatory treatments and in conjunction with endotympanic insufflations, which are essential for conveying the healing element, namely hydrogen sulfide derived from sulfurous thermal water, to the Eustachian tube.
The passage fluidizes secretions and promotes their drainage.
The politzer, an alternative treatment to insufflations suitable for children and patients who cannot undergo tubal catheterization, is also used.

Affiliated spa treatment for rhinogenic deafness.

The course of spa treatment for rhinogenic deafness is in agreement with the SSN (National Health Service): all citizens are entitled, as a rule, to one course of spa treatment per year paid for by the National Health Service.
Just show up at the Establishment with a prescription from your general practitioner or pediatrician complete with diagnosis and type of treatment.

Treatment can also be provided privately. Find out how to access treatment.

For more information go to the rhinogenic deafness spa treatment page.

Info and reservations:
0521 682711


Alsoread .

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