Treatments > NHS Agreement

NHS Agreement

The Terme di Monticelli is a private health facility, accredited by the Emilia-Romagna Region and affiliated with the National Health Service.

The approved thermal services are:


Salso-bromo-iodic baths with hydro massage

Deambulation with ozonized hydro massage

Salso-bromo-iodic mud baths

Vaginal irrigations

Salso-bromo-iodic and sulphurous inhalation therapies (inhalations, aerosol, humage, spraying)

Nasal irrigation or micronized nasal showers

Tubotympanic insufflations

Functional motor rehabilitation in the thermal pool

The path of admission for the treatments

To benefit from the hydrotherapies with the National Health Service, you must contact your primary care physician, who will issue the prescription on a special NHS form. The prescription is valid for the whole year in which it is issued. Every year, the NHS grants one cycle of hydrotherapy per patient (*). If arrange the treatment at your own expense, you won't need any prescription; in any case, it is advisable to consult your doctor beforehand. Before the start of treatment, a visit by a doctor at the thermal baths is mandatory, as this will help establish the best course of treatment. The cycle usually lasts 12 days, with daily sessions; it is advisable to avoid interruptions, unless otherwise indicated.

(*) with exclusion of the Protected Categories-ex art.57 paragraph 3 l.n.833 / 78 and art.13 c.6 D.L. n.463 / 83, as amended by the law of conversion L.n.638 / 83 that can benefit, during the year, of a further cycle of specific care. Included in this category are those who are: disabled due to war and service, blind, deaf-mute, legally disabled and industrially disabled.

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